An abstract, carnivalesque commedia punctuated by the sounds of birds … will they leave any feathers behind?

The alchemists of sound experimentation at Productions SuperMusique are taking their turn in the Homage Series. In Bhagwati’s comprovisation Villanelles de voyelles vocalists of the Chorale Joker imitate bird sounds and generate vocal sounds like synthesizers. Moving through space, the choristers interact by following instructions relayed through earpieces which also give them the freedom to make their own musical and theatrical decisions. Add to this the performers wearing costumes or masks, and you have all the ingredients that make each SuperMusique production an unclassifiable event. Three new works (Magali Babin, Erin Gee, Thibaut Quinchon) round off this colourful programme.



Co-presented by Le Vivier and Productions SuperMusique as part of La semaine du neuf.